Tuesday, October 15, 2013

An Indigo child keeps no negative accounts!

Sometimes I wonder if there is reincarnation… has Johnno decided to come to this lifetime and just coast? Take a free life, pass ‘go’ and collect $200? He certainly doesn’t seem intent on doing any major ‘work’ while he is here. Is the collective need to accumulate and grow rich a calculated, defective means of keeping all of society's minions in check? Unhappily traversing the whole of a lifetime for meager gains and minimal happiness? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be free of all monetary constraints and social conventions? Never have to worry about paying bills, saying the right things, being in the ‘IN’ crowd because in his mind everyone is included. He is a child who has no understanding of racism. He cannot fathom why someone would hate another much less commit a crime against someone with a different skin color. For Johnno, skin color is like a bird’s feathers. All of the colors are part of God’s plan and no one is better than any other. A true Indigo child, who accepts all for who they are, no string, no judgement, just JOY. If there is reincarnation, I want a turn.

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